Revision: 381 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 20 octobre 2012 00:48:52 Commentaire: Added additional opportunities to work with the rain (or other effects). For native scripts GameOptions added fields uint RainTick - how often it updates the position of the rain (by default - 60 ms); int16 RainSpeedX - change the horizontal position of each update (default: 0); int16 RainSpeedY - change the vertical position of each update (default is 15); To determine the initial position of a drop entered the callback void (* GetRainOffset) (int16 * ox, int16 * oy); in the ox, oy must return the offset (see example fonline_tla.cpp). In scripts client and mapper function added void SetRainAnimation (string @ fallAnimName, string @ dropAnimName) where it is possible to establish the names of animations for the incident and drop in the water, the default values ??are "art / misc / rain_fall.fofrm" and "art / misc / rain_drop.fofrm". For native scripts added two slide function int Random (int minimum, int maximumInclusive) - random from minimum to maximumInclusive (inclusive); uint GetTick () - the current tick, in milliseconds. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Ajoute : /Client/data/art/misc/rain_drop.fofrm Ajoute : /Client/data/art/misc/rain_fall.fofrm Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Revision: 380 Auteur: cvet Date: jeudi 9 aout 2012 11:02:38 Commentaire: Added the ability to concatenate strings using preprocessor symbols # #. (by Wipe) Changes in the output log messages about the missing variables as they are loaded (when a lot of messages that could lead to crashes). (by Atom) AngelScript updated to revision 1342 (2.24.0 WIP). (by Atom) Fixed event critter CRITTER_EVENT_SMTH_TURN_BASED_PROCESS. (by Atom) In OpenGL Fixed loading models with missing tangetami. In OpenGL fixed loading effects preprocessor directives (bug with no shade). ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/angelscript.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptarray.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_event_replicator.fos Revision: 370 Auteur: cvet Date: mardi 8 mai 2012 23:46:19 Commentaire: FixedFPS parameter for negative acts as a parameter harvested Sleep now in the mapper. (by Wipe) AngelScript updated to revision 1289, version 2.23.1. (by Atom) Fixed initial miscalculation of visibility for SPC at server startup. (by Atom) Fixed export the client and mapper (bug from 357 audit). Removed 367 functional audits associated with the resolution of objects on the walls. Removed the skills or items on the walls in the client. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Revision: 361 Auteur: cvet Date: vendredi 13 avril 2012 21:29:16 Commentaire: Edit display messages when compiling scripts using pragmas # warning / # message. (by Wipe) Improved performance Linux client / server version / mapper (related to the work with a timer). (by Atom) Fixed work with downloadable script library for Linux (distinguish between uppercase and lowercase characters in filenames and directories). (by Atom) Fixed drawing a path to the client, using the mechanism LOOK_CHECK_DIR. (by Atom) The server script functions Critter :: AddItem and Item :: AddItem (for containers) uint count argument can now be set to zero, the engine will automatically assign a value of 1, with no error output. (by Atom) Streamline the calculation of visibility on the server. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Revision: 357 Auteur: cvet Date: dimanche 26 fevrier 2012 22:39:52 Commentaire: Added to the server profiler scripts. (By Atom) The system automatically keeps track of the time the scripts and provides detailed statistics on user demand. Current collected statistics can be viewed in the server window, the button 'Profiler'. Also in the next update will be added to a separate program to view the collected statistics. Data are collected in the files '. Foprof', folder 'Server / profiler /'. Profiler settings are in the config server FOnlineServer.cfg # Profiler data collection mode # 0 - disabled, 1 - save to file, 2 - display in server, 3 - both ProfilerMode = 0 # Interval for call stack sampling, in ms ProfilerSampleInterval = 50 For native programming adds support for the following functions AngelScript: (by Atom) AS_API asIScriptContext * asGetActiveContext (); AS_API const char * asGetLibraryVersion (); AS_API const char * asGetLibraryOptions (); Names in fonline.h ScriptGetActiveContext ScriptGetLibraryOptions ScriptGetLibraryVersion AngelScript updated to version 1176. (By Atom) In the mapper adds the ability to transfer the command line starting coordinates for opening the map '-HexX X' and '-HexY Y', where X and Y axes on the number of hexagons. (By Wipe) Fixed to work with the command line prametrom mapper '-Map', which allows you to download the map automatically. (By Wipe) Scripts added to the preprocessor directive: '# warning' and '# error'. (By Wipe) Server logs are now saved in the 'Server / logs'. Dumps server now saved in the 'Server / dumps'. Time in all the generated filenames now adheres to the following format: imya_god.mesyats.den_chas-minute-sekunda.rasshirenie This will allow the file correctly sorted by name in chronological order of creation. This innovation is also true for the names of the log and screenshots of the client. FixedFPS parameter for negative acts as a parameter harvested Sleep. Update log in English: ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/angelscript.h Modifie : /Client/FOConfig.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.cfg Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_gui_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/linetracer_h.fos Revision: 356 Auteur: cvet Date: mardi 7 fevrier 2012 15:04:26 Commentaire: The client interface for rendering global map function render_iface now called twice: - To 100 - over the map, but in the circles of locations, routes, fog; - Then the value of 101 - have all of the above. Before this is called only once with a value of 100 and is pictured as a 101. For the client and mapper added global variable bool AssimpLogging (default false). Scripts __ AssimpLogging, config AssimpLogging = True / False, command line-AssimpLogging 1/0. For debugging boot-D graphics. When the model is loaded and the file will be created Assimp.log, where Assimp library will write the necessary information. For custom libraries variable added uint8 * ClientMapLight, which stores data on light hexes. For an example of the added function GetFieldLight, which returns the color of the light in the hex RGB. Also added to the global variable for the client and mapper bool __ Quit, setting that to true the application will close. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Revision: 355 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 4 fevrier 2012 18:15:03 Commentaire: Fixed output to a log (void Log (...)) When I start the compiler scripts. (by Atom) Fixed a bug with falling productivity, with 349 audits. In OpenGL distortion corrected image at full screen resolution does not match the screen. Fixed a bug where when you close the application process is not completed. In OpenGL corrected egg transparent roof. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/effects/Tile_Default.glsl Modifie : /Client/data/fonts/Default.fofnt Modifie : /Client/data/fonts/Default.png Revision: 352 Auteur: cvet Date: dimanche 29 janvier 2012 16:45:21 Commentaire: Fixed the mechanism of the keyboard handler (key_down, key_up) in scripts mapper and client. (by Atom) Functionality including zoom map moved into scripts (see client_main.fos key_down, key_up). Added a global variable bool __ MapZooming, which includes mechanized zuming card. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Revision: 349 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 28 janvier 2012 01:37:08 Commentaire: Added compiler build scripts (ASCompiler) for Linux. Client and mapper corrected for departures increasing in certain areas (working with animations and critters Taktiksa Arcanum, calling scripts mapper). Added impact of displacement and naprvleniya for items. You can set up a mapper in the fields OffsetX / OffsetY / Dir, as well as in new fields in scripts int16 Item / ItemCl :: OffsetX / OffsetY / Dir. If you change the script do not forget to Item :: Update, the changes to the customers affected. In the structure of an item (struct Item) made the following changes - removed the combined field (union) for a database of information about wear, chuck, castle, car, holodisks radio, which were located in the same address space (that is, using the same data will be overwritten by others; For example, you can hang on the radio or record holodisks weapons to armor). The data is now made in separate fields, and do not mix. See changes fonline.h. const uint8 BrokenFlags; const uint8 BrokenCount; const uint16 Deterioration; const uint16 AmmoPid; const uint16 AmmoCount; const uint LockerId; const uint16 LockerCondition; const uint16 LockerComplexity; const uint HolodiskNumber; const uint16 RadioChannel; const uint16 RadioFlags; const uint8 RadioBroadcastSend; const uint8 RadioBroadcastRecv; const uint16 Charge; const int16 OffsetX; const int16 OffsetY; const int16 Dir; const char Reserved [2]; CarFuel field changed to Charge (as in the script). Field CarDeterioration possible instead now used Deterioration. In scripts field Item :: WeaponAmmoPid changed to Item :: AmmoPid and Item :: WeaponAmmoCount to Item :: AmmoCount. Fixed loading BAM images. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/combat.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/globalmap_group.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/base.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/car.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main_planes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_ratch.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nr_t-ray.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_slayer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_sniper.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repairer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_android.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sf_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/signal_rocket.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Revision: 345 Auteur: cvet Date: mardi 24 janvier 2012 17:04:54 Commentaire: Improved performance of OpenGL rendering, error checking removed (glGetError) after each gl * call. Include test data back can use the new global variable bool OpenGLDebug (default false / 0) - in the scripts' __OpenGLDebug = true / false ', the command line'-OpenGLDebug 1/0 'and config' OpenGLDebug = true/false/1 / 0 '. When OpenGLDebug == false (default) error checking is only at the end of each cycle rendering. Ie If you have problems starting or running OpenGL client (FOnline.exe, Mapper.exe), then run it from the command line switch '-OpenGLDebug 1' (or in the config 'OpenGLDebug = true'), to find out the specific location of the error. Fixed work with a functional OpenGL extensions ARB_get_program_binary. Linux, OpenGL - allowed to work with the extension in the absence of expansion EXT_framebuffer_object ARB_framebuffer_object. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Revision: 341 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 14 janvier 2012 00:55:48 Commentaire: Sort queue critters for stepping mode moved into scripts. Added reserved server function void turn_based_sequence (Map & map, Critter @ [] & critters, Critter @ firstTurnCrit) Map & map - map of the battle; Critter @ [] & critters - all critters from the map; Critter @ firstTurnCrit - Critter, who goes first, this argument is taken from the Map :: BeginTurnBased. Sorted turn back the passed array Critter @ [] & critters. This function is called before every round of this fight step by step. Just this innovation eliminates the server crash that could occur when stepping fight. In single player mode Fixed saving and loading. Even for a single game added drawing preview images loaded saves in OGL version. Fixed crash when saving screenshots OGL version. Resumed the translation of the tax on the English language. (by Atom) Threads are translated in the same place ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/scripts.cfg Modifie : /Client/FOnlineSingleplayer.exe.lnk Revision: 339 Auteur: cvet Date: jeudi 5 janvier 2012 17:50:36 Commentaire: AngelScript updated to revision 1094. For the native scripting additions added headers AngelScript. There also moved ScriptString and ScriptArray, which were excluded from fonline.h. Currently there are: - Angelscript.h, main header AS; - Scriptstring.h, class ScriptString, in the scripts 'string'; - Scriptarray.h, class ScriptArray, in the scripts 'T []' / 'array '; - Scriptany.h, class ScriptAny, in the scripts 'any'; - Scriptdictionary.h, class ScriptDictionary, in the scripts 'dictionary'; - Scriptfile.h, class ScriptFile, in the scripts 'file'; - Scriptmath.h, mathematical functions, the header file is not anything useful, just left to the reference; In all five classes (ScriptString, ScriptArray, ScriptAny, ScriptDictionary, ScriptFile) added to the static method Create, which, when called creates a new instance of the desired class. Examples for ScriptString and ScriptArray see fonline_test.cpp. Excluded from the project addon scriptmath3d, where REGISTER scripting class 'vector3'. All added classes have virtual methods, which means that the code will be called from the main module of the program, not DLL. This solves the problem with perevydeleniem memory between the library and the program. Script native.fos deleted as unnecessary. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Ajoute : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/angelscript.h Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptarray.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/scripts.cfg Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptany.h Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptdictionary.h Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptfile.h Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptmath.h Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/scriptstring.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.cpp Efface : /Server/scripts/native.fos Revision: 333 Auteur: cvet Date: mercredi 21 decembre 2011 12:54:55 Commentaire: The testing updates with the changed runtime link errors ( decided to roll back the change. Now as to revision 324 a static runtime linking (MT), which eliminates the need to pre-install it (vcredist_x86_2010_SP1.exe). From custom scripts removed conducted there allocators of the host (, as This system also does not eliminate the problems with the unification of space allocation and deallocation. Now, the basic rule of memory - which module allocates memory, he is free. Updates on monitoring of memory (MemoryDebugLevel) at level 3. For the Windows version of the server added a low-level tracking system memory allocation. Added interception Heap * functions using library and NCodeHook diStorm These interceptions monitor all memory operation, including libraries. For Linux at the moment including the option of monitoring the allocation They do not show the performance with memory in a DLL for the main unit. Plus there is not decrypt the call stack in the statistics. In connection with the new rule of memory, to prevent accidental changes to data in the header file fonline.h put modifiers 'const' to all the variables. To change the use 'const_cast' (of course, if you know exactly what you are doing). For string script added the required minimum sample, see fonline_test.cpp StringExample (). Added scripting module 'native.fos', which will house the things that will be needed for some of the mechanisms in native scripts. At the moment, there is an auxiliary functionality for opportunities to work with script lines from the library. This module is connected to all three applications - server, client and mapper. Now the script native libraries can only be used for that application (server, client, or mapper), which was created for (macros __ SERVER, __ CLIENT, __ MAPPER compilation). In this regard, have been created for a client copy fonline_test.cpp - fonline_test_client.dll / so. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Ajoute : /Server/scripts/fonline_test_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/scripts.cfg Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.cpp Ajoute : /Server/scripts/native.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/Makefile Ajoute : /Server/scripts/StlPort/stlport_static.lib Efface : /Server/scripts/StlPort/stlport_statix.lib Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/make_test.bat Modifie : /Server/scripts/make_tla.bat Efface : /Tools/Runtime/Windows/vcredist_x86_2010_SP1.exe Revision: 331 Auteur: cvet Date: dimanche 18 decembre 2011 21:50:46 Commentaire: Modified the macro point of entrance to the library FONLINE_DLL_ENTRY, restored option isCompiler. Option works as before. When initializing the library compiler (isCompiler == true) you can now use the function Log, it will send the text to the console. Type of critter (CrType) now number zero is always considered valid. Reverse resulted in an error in the function IsCritterAnim1, IsCritterCanArmor etc. Zero CrType. Protection from freezing when scrolling global map. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/magic_ball.fos Revision: 329 Auteur: cvet Date: dimanche 18 decembre 2011 05:50:56 Commentaire: The work on the harmonization of programming style for scripts. With the program Uncrustify ( formatted all the source script (fos, h, cpp). Automatic formatting is running a batch file FormatSource.bat. In what format (run batch file) will be made at each change of script. Header file angelscript.h moved to a separate folder, which would affect only the formatting code Fonlayna. The result is not always satisfactory auto-formatting will need to be hand-finishing. Added program to count lines of code CLOC ( Running through a batch file is CountSource.bat (thinks fos, h, cpp). Preprocessor script now properly receives directives between the character '#' and the name of which there are gaps (# define == # define). Fixed parsing preprocessor macros parameters which are on the next line (using a backslash): # define AAA \ # (a, b) ... ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript Ajoute : /Server/scripts/AngelScript/angelscript.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_guards.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_invasion.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_event_caches.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_itempid.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_maps.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_vars.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/debug.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/dialog.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fix_boy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_events_init.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trader_table.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_colors.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/bulletin_board.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_geck_city.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nopvp_maps.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/npc_dialog.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/respawn_item.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trader.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_msgstr.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mapper_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_main_intro.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/smoke_grenade.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/template.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/perks.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_dialogs.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/combat.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/entire.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_event_storehouse.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_atoll.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/navarro.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_nr_wri_kidnap.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/stdlib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vc_guardsman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/worldmap_init.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_gui_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/linetracer_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/globalmap_group.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/base.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/car.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main_planes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_ratch.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nr_t-ray.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_slayer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_sniper.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repairer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_android.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sf_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/signal_rocket.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/magic_ball.fos Ajoute : /Server/scripts/CountSource.bat Ajoute : /Server/scripts/FormatSource.bat Ajoute : /Server/scripts/SourceTools Ajoute : /Server/scripts/SourceTools/cloc-1.53.exe Ajoute : /Server/scripts/SourceTools/uncrustify.cfg Ajoute : /Server/scripts/SourceTools/uncrustify.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/_ai.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_animation.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_bags.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_client_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_macros.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_mapper_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_math.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_npc_pids.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_reputation.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_teams.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_time.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ai_pattern.fos Efface : /Server/scripts/angelscript.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/animation.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/arroyo_mynoc_defence.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/arroyo_npc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/arroyo_rayders.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/battle_info.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/behemoth.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/books.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/broken_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_reset.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravans_init.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/casino.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/cave_mobs.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/chosen_tabs.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_3d_cha_reg.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_gui.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_screen_test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/collector.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/combat_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/combat_msg.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/comp_riddle.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/config.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/critical_table.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/critter_item_movement.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_barbekky_boy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_cooldude.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_ghost.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_hub_bank.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_hub_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_kliff.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_lara.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_poorman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_triggers.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_virgin.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/drugs.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/effects.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/electronic_lock.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/elevator.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/eli.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/enc_ocean_trader.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_items.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_items_table.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_npc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/energy_barier.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/explode.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fighter_pattern.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fighter_quest.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_event.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_event_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/game_event_racing.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/geiger.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/golden_globes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/grave.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/guard_lib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/guard_lib_events.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/heavy_guarded_map.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/hell_mine_mining.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/hell_out.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/hostile_location_quest.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ignore_list.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ini_parser.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/item.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/items_table.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_cowboy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_danton_brahmin.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_danton_killing.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_jura.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_smily.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_trappers.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/linetracer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/location.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/lockers.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_arroyo_bridge.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_arroyo_rayders_camp.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_barter_ground.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_coast.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_denbus.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_klamath.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_klamath_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_mariposa.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_modoc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_ncr_bazaar.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_ncr_downtown.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_primal_tribe.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_radiation.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_redding_inner.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_redding_miners.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_redding_outer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_redding_wan2.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_sf_hubb.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_sf_tanker.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_v15_village.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/media.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/merc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/merc_dialog.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/merc_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mirelurk_combat.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mob.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mob_wave.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/monologue.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/name_colorizing.fos Efface : /Server/scripts/ncr_city_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_duppo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_dusty.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_karlson_son.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_kess.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_michael.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_policeman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_postman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_shaiman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_siege.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_smit.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_westin.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/npc_ai.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/npc_planes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/npc_revenge.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nr_kitty.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nr_salvatore.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nukemachine.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/parameters.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/patrol_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_medic.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_term.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pids_groups.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poison.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker_game_list_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/purgatory.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_dappo_lost_c_robot.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_hub_lab.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_item_v13_collar.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_item_v13_egg.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_modoc_vampire.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_ncr_alex_holo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_npc_v13_dclaw.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_silo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_slavers_hunt.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_spy_mission.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/quest_warehouse.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/quest_warehouse_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/radiation.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/radio.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/radio_terminal.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_gates.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_mines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_q_wanamingo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redding_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repair.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_bank.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_hell.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_terminal.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_trader.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/resources.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/roulette.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/roulette_game_list_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/roulette_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sandbag.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/scenery.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_doughnut.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_forvr_v13.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_kotw.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_mad_brahmins.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_talking_head.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_teleport.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_woodsman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_zerg.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/serializator.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sf_invasion.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sprite.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/squad_march.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/stdlib_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/teams_table.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/time.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/town_supply.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trap.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/traveller.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trigger.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/utils_for_array.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/utils_rect.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_guard_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_soldier.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_turret.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_goris.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_guard_lib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_q_dclaw_lib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vc_lynnet.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_gate_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_vault_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/wanted.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/warehouse_turret.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/worldmap.fos Revision: 328 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 17 decembre 2011 21:50:21 Commentaire: Added support for motion control subjects from slot to slot. Before each transaction on the server and the client calls the critter_check_move_item, which determines whether it is possible to make this transaction. bool critter_check_move_item (Critter & cr, Item & item, uint8 toSlot, Item @ itemSwap) Critter & cr - Critter transaction for which you are; Item & item - move things; uint8 toSlot - which slot to move objects; Item @ itemSwap - a subject that is already in the slot assignment and who will move into the slot to move things in a successful transaction. Returns true to allow the transaction and false to disable. At a resolution of the transaction and subject to availability occupied slot to move the first event will be called for the main subject, and then for the substitute. The client is trying to move an item from one slot to another, as follows: You can watch you move the object on critter_check_move_item, if no slot is occupied, first try to move the item from the occupied slot in your inventory, and then into the empty slot of the items. Delete event critters (ACTION_ *, see Critter actions in _defines.fos) ACTION_SHOW_ITEM and ACTION_HIDE_ITEM. Added events for ACTION_MOVE_ITEM_SWAP subject, which is replaced when you move (itemSwap see above). Reserved server function critter_change_item renamed critter_move_item. Functions and critter_check_move_item check_move_item in a separate module critter_item_movement. Scripts for server, client and mapper function added bool IsCritterCanArmor (uint crType) which returns the ability to change the reservation for a given type critter (registers in CritterTypes.cfg). ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/scripts.cfg Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_client_defines.fos Ajoute : /Server/scripts/critter_item_movement.fos Revision: 326 Auteur: cvet Date: vendredi 16 decembre 2011 04:40:27 Commentaire: In the native script added functionality to run a script functions (as AngelScript functions and native). Call occurs in a particular context, that is, be interrupted by timeout. Usage examples fonline_test.cpp, test.fos. Added the following functions (see GameOptions fonline.h): bool ScriptLoadModule (const char * moduleName); Load or reset the module. Returns the success of the operation. const char * moduleName - the name of the module. uint ScriptBind (const char * moduleName, const char * funcDecl, bool temporaryId); Binding function (AS or native) with the ID, which subsequently transferred to ScriptPrepare. Returns 0 on error or identifier. const char * moduleName - the name of the module; const char * funcDecl - declaration of function (for example, 'void hello (int, string)'); bool temporaryId - indicates that the ID is returned only for one call ScriptRunPrepared. bool ScriptPrepare (uint bindId); Preparing to perform the function. Returns the success of the operation. uint bindId - ID, which was formed in ScriptBind. void ScriptSetArgInt8 (int8 value); void ScriptSetArgInt16 (int16 value); void ScriptSetArgInt (int value); void ScriptSetArgInt64 (int64 value); void ScriptSetArgUInt8 (uint8 value); void ScriptSetArgUInt16 (uint16 value); void ScriptSetArgUInt (uint value); void ScriptSetArgUInt64 (uint64 value); void ScriptSetArgBool (bool value); void ScriptSetArgFloat (float value); void ScriptSetArgDouble (double value); void ScriptSetArgObject (void * value); void ScriptSetArgAddress (void * value); Setting the following values ??of the argument. Called after a successful preparation functions (ScriptPrepare). You should always call the correct function for each argument passed to the function, left to right. Example: 'Void hello (int8 a, string @ b)' ScriptSetArgInt8 (a); ScriptSetArgObject (b); bool ScriptRunPrepared (); Running performance prepared function. Called after a successful preparation (ScriptPrepare) and install it if you want, the value of (ScriptSetArg *). Returns the success of the operation. int8 ScriptGetReturnedInt8 (); int16 ScriptGetReturnedInt16 (); int ScriptGetReturnedInt (); int64 ScriptGetReturnedInt64 (); uint8 ScriptGetReturnedUInt8 (); uint16 ScriptGetReturnedUInt16 (); uint ScriptGetReturnedUInt (); uint64 ScriptGetReturnedUInt64 (); bool ScriptGetReturnedBool (); float ScriptGetReturnedFloat (); double ScriptGetReturnedDouble (); void * ScriptGetReturnedObject (); void * ScriptGetReturnedAddress (); If the called function returns a result, it can be picked up by one of these functions. Called after a successful function ScriptRunPrepared. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.cfg Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.cpp Revision: 324 Auteur: cvet Date: jeudi 15 decembre 2011 18:31:30 Commentaire: Windows application server, client, and the mapper script compiler will now be compiled with dynamic linking C + + runtime. This will allow the pile (heap) between the application and the user library. What is necessary for the correct operation of lines of script. Details here (was / MT, was / MD). All the necessary runtime for Windows applications placed in the sdk / Tools / Runtime / Windows, such as: - Vcredist_x86_2010_SP1.exe - C + + Runtime, for Windows versions of server, client, mapper, compiler scripts; - Dotnetfx35setup.exe -. NET Runtime, for applications DialogEditor.exe, MrFixit.exe and ObjectEditor.exe; - Dxwebsetup.exe - DirectX Runtime, for D3D versions of the client and mapper. For the latter two must be connected to the Internet. Library d3dx9_42.dll Remove from the client, use dxwebsetup.exe to obtain it. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Ajoute : /Tools/Runtime Ajoute : /Tools/Runtime/Windows Ajoute : /Tools/Runtime/Windows/vcredist_x86_2010_SP1.exe Efface : /Client/d3dx9_42.dll Ajoute : /Tools/Runtime/Windows/dotnetfx35setup.exe Ajoute : /Tools/Runtime/Windows/dxwebsetup.exe Revision: 322 Auteur: cvet Date: mardi 13 decembre 2011 19:38:28 Commentaire: Added support for controlling the amount of time speaking to the NPC. In the script server / client added uint __ NpcMaxTalkers, which specifies the maximum number of dialogs by default. Added option to critters ST_MAX_TALKERS, which indicates the number of an individual NPC: ST_MAX_TALKERS <0 - dialogue can not be started; ST_MAX_TALKERS == 0 - is taken from the global variable __ NpcMaxTalkers; ST_MAX_TALKERS> 0 - takes the value. __NpcMaxTalkers Initially equal to 1 (see config.fos), and ST_MAX_TALKERS == 0 (like all the other parameters). The names of the NPC, for the output message in the log, now includes not only the ID, but the name of dialogue. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/config.fos Revision: 317 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 10 decembre 2011 12:06:14 Commentaire: Are filled with the correct version of the binary to the previous update. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/mapper_main.fos Revision: 316 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 10 decembre 2011 00:44:13 Commentaire: In the script the client and mapper added the following global functions void MouseClick (int x, int y, int button, int cursor) Processing in a certain clique in the window. int x, y - the coordinates; int button - button mouse (see Mouse click states in _client_defines.fos or _mapper_defines.fos); int cursor - the cursor when clicked (see Cursors in _client_defines.fos or _mapper_defines.fos). void KeyboardPress (uint8 key1, uint8 key2) Processing of pressing one or two keys. Pressing takes place in the following sequence: key1 down, key2 down, key2 up, key1 up. Two keys necessary to implement clicks while holding the control key, for example - KeyboardPress (DIK_LSHIFT, DIK_A). If one of the keys is not needed, pass 0. uint8 key1, key2 - the key code (see Keyboard key codes in _client_defines.fos or _mapper_defines.fos). In mapper scripts added to the global function that returns an object at a certain point the window MapperObject @ + GetMonitorObject (int x, int y, bool ignoreInterface = false) int x, y - the coordinates for the search; bool ignoreInterface - ignore open windows interface for search. Similar parameter bool ignoreInterface = false also added features GetMonitorHex (client / mapper), GetMonitorItem (client), GetMonitorCritter (client). In the scripting function mapper TabSelect added option that allows you to visually open the tab on the interface void TabSelect (int tab, string @ + subTab, bool show = false) bool show = false - select a visual tab. Because here first found expression '= false', then I will explain - this is the default value, which can be explicitly specified by the caller, for example: TabSelect (TAB_CUSTOM0, null); will be treated as TabSelect (TAB_CUSTOM0, null, false); These default values ??for the arguments are available in the methods / functions scripts. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/mapper_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_mapper_defines.fos Revision: 315 Auteur: cvet Date: jeudi 8 decembre 2011 20:30:08 Commentaire: For native libraries added macro FONLINE_DLL_ENTRY, which includes a definition of reserved global variables (which is not to write independently for each library) and the entry point to the library. Added an additional level of control of the allocation. Is set in the config, MemoryDebugLevel, level 3. To see the results of using the output of the Memory (Level 3). Statistics will show the amount of memory allocated in the function definition (the call stack will be shown), the amount of allocated memory in bytes and the number of parts. This system will allow more effectively detect and fix memory leak. In the native library held memory allocators with the main unit, which will allow them to control the allocation. The mechanism of the system is hidden from the user, so that no additional procedures were performed not. Override function: new / new [] / delete / delete [] / malloc / calloc / realloc / free. Also it will work with lines of script (because a lot of use out of the main unit), but keep in mind that these are not visible to pereallokatsii memory manager in Memory (Level 1), the line Script string. ASCompiler.exe, as.dll, fo.dll, fo_client.dll, fo_mapper.dll combined into one module ASCompiler.exe. Changed command line syntax: ASCompiler script_name.fos [-Client] (compile client scripts) [-Mapper] (compile mapper scripts) [-P preprocessor_output.txt] [-D SOME_DEFINE] * [-Run func_name] * * Can be used many times [] - Optional parameters Working directory compilation is now taken from the name of the script file. By default, the script is compiled as a server, change to the client / mapper must use the key-client or-mapper. Transfer-d __ SERVER / __ CLIENT / __ MAPPER no longer needed, it is automatically in the program. Some manual integration is no longer relevant, as long as they are labeled in ReadMe.txt as deprecated, but in the future will be updated. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.cfg Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ReadMe.txt Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.cpp Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/Notepad++ Integration/notepad++ instructions.doc Efface : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Efface : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Efface : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Efface : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Revision: 314 Auteur: Atom Date: jeudi 8 decembre 2011 03:38:48 Commentaire: Added a limited interpreter ability for the ASCompiler. It can now execute one or more functions with signature "void %s()". To run a function, use "-run function_name" command line argument. Because ASCompiler does not use actual server/client/mapper function binds, it can only use functions and classes provided by the standard AngelScript addons, and global Log function. Fixed a GC bug in ASCompiler. ---- Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Revision: 311 Auteur: cvet Date: mercredi 7 decembre 2011 18:05:26 Commentaire: OpenGL renderer, modified work, removed the intermediate rendering between graphics and window, which should add performance and get rid of some graphical bugs. Reorganized some GLSL effects - Flush_Color renamed Flush_Primitive; - Because of the removal of the intermediate rendering deleted Flush_Final; - A dedicated effect to draw cards Flush_Map (also for the future added Flush_Map_BalckWhite on analogue HLSL 2D_BlackWhite.fx). AngelScript updated to revision 1073. Fixed loading scripts are in the folder scripts, share a folder on the module can now be both dots and slashes. (by Wipe) ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Efface : /Client/data/effects/Flush_Color.glsl Efface : /Client/data/effects/Flush_Final.glsl Ajoute : /Client/data/effects/Flush_Map.glsl Ajoute : /Client/data/effects/Flush_Map_BlackWhite.glsl Ajoute : /Client/data/effects/Flush_Primitive.glsl Revision: 307 Auteur: cvet Date: lundi 5 decembre 2011 20:34:56 Commentaire: AngelScript updated to revision 1072 (version 2.22.1 WIP). Fixed overexposure output to a log server 'Offline connection timeout, force shutdown.'. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnline.pdb Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.exe Modifie : /Client/FOnlineD3D.pdb Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.pdb Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServerDaemon Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_test.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/ Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.pdb Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/MapperD3D.pdb Modifie : /Server/scripts/angelscript.h Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Revision: 255 Auteur: cvet Date: mercredi 14 septembre 2011 12:38:19 Commentaire: Updates in crafting details, see the 253 revision. (by scypior) Fixed a client crash when you start the client in certain circumstances, with a revision of 250. Because of the bug appeared in a full-screen mode off fixed 244 audit. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fix_boy.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Revision: 239 Auteur: cvet Date: vendredi 26 aout 2011 22:52:14 Commentaire: AngelScript updated to revision 945. Some scripts are corrected for the same method names and data fields. Fixed return type GetDrawingSprites in fonline.h. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/make_tla.bat Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_gui.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/resources.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/worldmap.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Revision: 203 Auteur: cvet Date: samedi 9 avril 2011 17:19:55 Commentaire: AngelScript updated to revision 838. Added methods for arrays void reverse () - reverse elements; int find (const T & in) const - Searches the value, if not found, it returns -1; int find (uint index, const T & in) const - Searches the value, if not found, it returns -1, index - the element from which to start the search; For pragmas 'bindfield' added the ability to add fields to the class Critter. Values ??initially zero and saved when the server is restarted. Stat ST_GLOBAL_MAP_MOVE_COUNTER moved to Critter :: GlobalMapMoveCounter, a field that has been created with the pragma bindfield (see _defines.fos). In AngelScript Fixed bug where an implicit reference Converse when passing parameters, and therefore the changes were made in a variety of scripts. Fixed method Critter :: ToLife () for critters in nakaute. Fixed incorrect behavior of the customer at the time of exit from the local to the global map. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Client/data/cache/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/cache/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_guards.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_invasion.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/respawn_item.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/entire.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/stdlib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/globalmap_group.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_sniper.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repairer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/angelscript.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/collector.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_cowboy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_smily.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_primal_tribe.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/merc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mob_wave.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_karlson_son.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_shaiman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_smit.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/npc_revenge.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nukemachine.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/patrol_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_hub_lab.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_q_wanamingo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/roulette.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sandbag.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_mad_brahmins.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/time.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trap.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_soldier.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_goris.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_gate_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/worldmap.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Revision: 166 Auteur: cvet Date: jeudi 17 mars 2011 02:51:47 Commentaire: Modified system of the prototype work item is (ProtoItem). Added the ability to add their own fields in the class prototype, it uses a new pragmatic 'bindfield', example: # Pragma bindfield "const int ProtoItem :: MyValue -> 400" which means to create a field of type int MyValue at offset 400 (based on the size int 4 bytes it will occupy 400 bytes, 401, 402, 403). All under the custom fields allocated 500 bytes. By default, the field is zero, but the value can be changed by writing a prototype file (. Fopro) value (in this case 111 or MyValue = MyValue = SkillBigGuns). The value can be a constant (searched in DefineNames.lst), number (if it contains only numbers) or the path to a file (as determined by the presence of the '/' or '\'). Now the fields are not used by the engine, delivered in scripts, see _defines.fos Item prototypes fields. Changes in structure ProtoItem. Remove all methods uint8 GetType () const uint16 GetProtoId () const bool IsGrouped () const bool IsWeared () const bool Container_IsGroundLevel () const The list of new fields, which are recorded in the engine (part renamed, some removed) The other fields are registered with a # pragma bindfield in _defines.fos. Now any object can stack (shape) and to wear this in the prototype added boolean field bool ProtoItem :: IsStackable bool ProtoItem :: IsDeteriorable Deleted item type ITEM_MISC_EX, it is combined with ITEM_MISC (accordingly removed miscex.fopro). Machine in a separate type ITEM_CAR (respectively, added car.fopro). Just now the user can define for any of its objects type numbers. Former field uint MiscEx_StartVal0 .. 9 starting values ??for Item :: Val0 .. 9 now moved to a common area called StartValue0 .. 9, and these values ??are initialized Item :: Val0 .. 9. Removed method bool Item :: IsCar () const, instead of using GetType () == ITEM_CAR. Renamed methods bool Item :: IsGrouped () const -> bool Item :: IsStackable () const bool Item :: IsWeared () const -> bool Item :: IsDeteriorable () const Renamed field uint16 Item / ItemCl :: BrokenWear -> Item / ItemCl :: Deterioration uint16 Item / ItemCl :: CarDeteoration -> Item / ItemCl :: CarDeterioration uint8 MapperObject :: Item_DeteorationFlags -> uint8 MapperObject :: Item_BrokenFlags uint8 MapperObject :: Item_DeteorationCount -> uint8 MapperObject :: Item_BrokenCount uint16 MapperObject :: Item_DeteorationValue -> uint16 MapperObject :: Item_Deterioration Mechanism subsidiaries item is, before the lobules available for machines in the form of luggage, moved to the public. One item can have up to five derivatives. Non-derivative items specified in uint16 ProtoItem :: ChildPid_0 .. 4. When you create a basic subject derivatives are created automatically. Mapper does not yet have children of objects automatically, will be corrected in the future. To specify the location using a special field ChildLines_0 .. 4 (former MiscEx.Car.Bag_0 .. 1, according to the record format, see below). So, you can now specify an automatic lock on any target, and not just for cars - the field BlockLines (former MiscEx.Car.Blockers). Format for Child / BlockLines - XYXYXY ..., where X is a number of direction (0 .. 5/7), and Y number of steps (1 .. 9) in this direction (for trunks used to be another form of the XXXX ... ). The maximum number of steps to BlockLines - 50, for ChildLines - 6. To work with the derivatives of an item, use the methods Item @ + Item :: GetChild (uint childIndex) const (Former Item @ + Item :: CarGetBag (int numBag)) bool Map :: CheckPlaceForItem (uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 pid) const (Bool Map :: CheckPlaceForCar (uint16 hexX, uint16 hexY, uint16 pid) const) Renaming fields affect many scripts, be careful. Old format is converted to the new prototypes automatically, but Object Editor (ObjectEditor.exe) still works only with the old format, it will be corrected in the near future. In the script, and replication.fos entires.fos added effect of rectangular geometry. Script main_planes.fos now designed as a separate module. All pragmas moved to the end _defines.fos. Fixed FPS drop when the boundaries of the review / attack. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.cpp Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Ajoute : /Server/proto/items/car.fopro Modifie : /Server/proto/items/misc.fopro Modifie : /Server/scripts/fix_boy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_geck_city.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/respawn_item.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trader.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_msgstr.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mapper_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/scripts.cfg Modifie : /Server/scripts/combat.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/entire.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vc_guardsman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/base.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/car.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main_planes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_ratch.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nr_t-ray.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_slayer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_sniper.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repairer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/sf_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_macros.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/config.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_barbekky_boy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_npc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/geiger.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/lockers.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_term.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_modoc_vampire.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repair.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_trader.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/squad_march.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trap.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/worldmap.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Modifie : /Server/maps/ncr_downtown.fomap Modifie : /Client/data/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Client/data/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/proto/items/items.lst Efface : /Server/proto/items/miscex.fopro Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_default.ini Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_obj.png Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_toall.png Revision: 165 Auteur: Atom Date: mardi 15 mars 2011 17:33:19 Commentaire: Fix for the ASCompiler. ---- Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Revision: 164 Auteur: Atom Date: mardi 15 mars 2011 03:19:38 Commentaire: Changed ASCompiler output format to "filename(linenumber) : message". Such output is recognized by a number of IDEs and allow jumping to the code by a double-click on the output line. ---- Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Revision: 154 Auteur: cvet Date: mercredi 2 mars 2011 17:53:36 Commentaire: AngleScript updated to revision 822. In arrays script is the ability to sort ascending void array :: sortAsc () void array :: sortAsc (uint index, uint count) descending void array :: sortDesc () void array :: sortDesc (uint index, uint count) For sorting custom classes implement the method opCmp Fixed animation cars on the global map, objects in the mapper. Fixed some things to work with animations critters (animation.fos). Fixed operation of the global variable __ GmapActive. Added a global variable to set the minimum time offline, after which the client is completely out of the game uint __ MinimumOfflineTime = 180,000 / / 3 minutes ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/angelscript.h Modifie : /Server/scripts/animation.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/hell_mine_mining.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Modifie : /Client/data/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Client/data/scripts/fonline_tla_client.dll Modifie : /Server/scripts/start_server_client.fos Revision: 64 Auteur: cvet Date: mercredi 27 octobre 2010 01:58:46 Commentaire: AngelScript updated to revision 732. For arrays, added new methods void T [] :: insertAt (uint, const T &) - Inserts the item at a specific location in the array; void T [] :: removeAt (uint) - delete an item on the index; void T [] :: insertFirst (const T &) - Inserts the item at the beginning of the array; void T [] :: removeFirst () - remove the first entry; void T [] :: insertLast (const T &) - Inserts the item at the end of the array; void T [] :: removeLast () - remove the last element; void T [] :: grow (uint) - add items (same as a.resize (length () + X)); void T [] :: reduce (uint) - remove items (same as a.resize (length ()-X)); T & T [] :: first () - an appeal to the first element of the array (the same as a [0]); T & T [] :: last () - reference to the last element of the array (the same as a [a.length () -1]). Also in connection with the expansion of the functional onboard memory deletes all functions ArrayPushBack. In all the scripts made ??appropriate changes. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_guards.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/debug.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/dialog.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/fix_boy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_geck_city.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vc_guardsman.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_sniper.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_macros.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/arroyo_mynoc_defence.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/broken_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/caravan_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/cave_mobs.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_gui.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/elevator.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_items.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_npc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/energy_barier.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/guard_lib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/hostile_location_quest.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_smily.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_ncr_bazaar.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_ncr_downtown.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_primal_tribe.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/merc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/mob_wave.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/name_colorizing.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/patrol_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker_game_list_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_slavers_hunt.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/q_spy_mission.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/quest_warehouse.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/radio.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_gates.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_q_wanamingo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_bank.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_hell.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/roulette.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/roulette_game_list_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/se_teleport.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/squad_march.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/traveller.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trigger.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/utils_for_array.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_q_dclaw_lib.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_gate_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/worldmap.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Modifie : /Client/data/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_main.fos Revision: 40 Auteur: cvet Date: mardi 28 septembre 2010 11:09:22 Commentaire: Added support for multi-threading logic game. Read more on the forum. Fixed the way the read / write bank files. Added a second when viewing time on the global map. Reduced the allowable length for wiretapping channels or cards from five to two characters. Removed global server functions void DeleteNpcForce (Critter & npc) Changed the method specification uint Location :: GetMaps (Map @ [] & maps) const on uint Location :: GetMaps (Map @ [] @ + maps) const that we could just find out the number of cards in the location, without necessarily being written to the array. Introduced a basic command server ~ log (~ 37). For listening to the log server. Minimum access: administrator. To add to the tapping pass the argument '+', to disable the '-' to disable all connected at the moment '-'. Fixed a core team to create locations ~ addloc (~ 16). Improved bazavaya team player ID to view its name ~ id (~ 4). Spec changed global functions void critter_attack (Critter & cr, Critter & target, ProtoItem & weapon, ProtoItem @ ammo, uint8 aim) -> Void critter_attack (Critter & cr, Critter & target, ProtoItem & weapon, uint8 weaponMode, ProtoItem @ ammo) int to_hit (CritterCl & chosen, CritterCl & target, ProtoItem & weapon, int hitLocation) -> Int to_hit (CritterCl & chosen, CritterCl & target, ProtoItem & weapon, uint8 weaponMode) For weapons, added explanatory variables indicating the active mode const uint8 Item :: Mode const uint8 ItemCl :: Mode Senior four bits - sight (see Hit locations in _defines.fos), lower four bits - the type of use (0 - primary, 1 - secondary, two - third). To help manage the added macros _WeaponModeUse, _WeaponModeAim, _WeaponModeMake in _macros.fos. In the method return value added GetSlotProto current mode (used for weapons) ProtoItem @ + Critter / CritterCl :: GetSlotProto (int slot, uint8 & mode) const Renamed option # Define ST_RATE_ITEM (102) in # Define ST_HANDS_ITEM_AND_MODE (102) the value stored in it: XXXX00YY, where XXXX pid unarmed strike, and YY mode use. The mechanism of redirecting conversations. Instead uint __ ForceDialog zanchenie use the returned result in the function or Say regime. Ie added function specification uint r_FuncName (...), uint dlg_FuncName (...) are detected automatically by the server. Fixed an issue with the movement of the characters pushed in one direction only. Pointers to objects (as well as derivatives of arrays or class members) Location, Map, Critter, Item, GameVar no longer be stored in global variables. For migration scripts keep their identifiers (Location :: Id, Map :: Id, Critter :: Id, Item :: Id), referring to objects by (GetLocation, GetMap, GetCritter, GetItem). Prototypes of weapons no longer holds the current type of operating mode of fire (due to multi-threading). In connection with this change the specification class members ProtoItem const uint8 Weapon_Skill, const uint8 Weapon_DmgType, const uint8 Weapon_Anim2, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMin, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMax, const uint16 Weapon_MaxDist, const uint16 Weapon_Effect, const uint16 Weapon_Round, const uint8 Weapon_ApCost, const uint8 Weapon_SoundId, const bool Weapon_Remove, const bool Weapon_Aim, const uint8 Weapon_CurrentUse, void Weapon_SetUse (uint8 use) const on const uint16 Weapon_Skill_F, const uint16 Weapon_Skill_S, const uint16 Weapon_Skill_T, const uint16 Weapon_DmgType_F, const uint16 Weapon_DmgType_S, const uint16 Weapon_DmgType_T, const uint16 Weapon_Anim2_F, const uint16 Weapon_Anim2_S, const uint16 Weapon_Anim2_T, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMin_F, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMin_S, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMin_T, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMax_F, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMax_S, const uint16 Weapon_DmgMax_T, const uint16 Weapon_MaxDist_F, const uint16 Weapon_MaxDist_S, const uint16 Weapon_MaxDist_T, const uint16 Weapon_Effect_F, const uint16 Weapon_Effect_S, const uint16 Weapon_Effect_T, const uint16 Weapon_Round_F, const uint16 Weapon_Round_S, const uint16 Weapon_Round_T, const uint16 Weapon_ApCost_F, const uint16 Weapon_ApCost_S, const uint16 Weapon_ApCost_T, const uint8 Weapon_SoundId_F, const uint8 Weapon_SoundId_S, const uint8 Weapon_SoundId_T, const bool Weapon_Remove_F, const bool Weapon_Remove_S, const bool Weapon_Remove_T, const bool Weapon_Aim_F, const bool Weapon_Aim_S, const bool Weapon_Aim_T To help manage the added special macros (see Weapon in _macros.fos) _WeaponIsPrimaryAviable, _WeaponIsSecondaryAviable, _WeaponIsThirdAviable, _WeaponSkill, _WeaponDmgType, _WeaponAnim2, _WeaponDmgMin, _WeaponDmgMax, _WeaponMaxDist, _WeaponEffect, _WeaponRound, _WeaponApCost, _WeaponSoundId, _WeaponRemove, _WeaponAim, _WeaponModeUse, _WeaponModeAim, _WeaponModeMake Updates by mappers string @ MapperObject :: PicMap / PicInv now return the image name of the prototype, if not installed another; Added const uint16 MapperMap :: Width, const uint16 MapperMap :: Height to store the current size of the map; Fixes GetMapFileNames (...). ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_geck_city.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/_defines.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/template.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/combat.fos Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.cfg Modifie : /Server/scripts/client_main.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/car.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/main_planes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/ncr_ratch.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/nr_t-ray.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_slayer.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_sniper.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/test.fos Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/ReadMe.txt Modifie : /Server/scripts/_macros.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/arroyo_mynoc_defence.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_barbekky_boy.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_hub_bank.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/den_hub_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/encounter_npc.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/energy_barier.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/golden_globes.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/klam_smily.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/lockers.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/map_primal_tribe.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/pattern_common.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/poker.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/quest_warehouse.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/quest_warehouse_h.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/redd_q_wanamingo.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/repair.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_bank.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_hell.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/replication_terminal.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/trap.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/v13_0_guard.fos Modifie : /Server/scripts/vcity_gate_guard.fos Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Modifie : /Client/data/default.cache Modifie : /Client/data/localhost.4000.cache Modifie : /Client/data/singleplayer.cache Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_main.fos Modifie : /Server/data/fonline.h Efface : /Server/scripts/quest_trib_raiders_attack.fos Revision: 17 Auteur: cvet Date: lundi 6 septembre 2010 20:27:47 Commentaire: AngelScript updated to revision 684, version 2.19.2. The client added global variables: bool __ ShowTile, __ ShowRoof, __ ShowItem, __ ShowScen, __ ShowWall, __ ShowCrit, __ ShowFast, __ ShowPlayerNames, __ ShowNpcNames, __ ShowCritId. Removed the restriction on the minimum duration of the call Map :: SetLoopTime (was 1 second). Fix your global variables string (pragma globalvar). Fixed a reserved global variables of type string. In mappers added global variables: string __ ClientPath, __ ServerPath. In the client removed from the constant modifier string CritterlCl :: Name, CritterlCl :: Lexems. New variable CritterlCl :: NameOnHead, which, if not empty, you are over your head while watching critter nicks. ---- Modifie : /Client/FOnline.exe Modifie : /Server/FOnlineServer.exe Modifie : /Server/scripts/fonline_tla.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Modifie : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.exe Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Modifie : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Modifie : /Server/data/fonline.h Revision: 7 Auteur: cvet Date: mardi 31 aout 2010 21:28:04 Commentaire: Original state. ---- Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/MSVS Integration Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/ASCompiler.exe Ajoute : /Client/FOConfig.exe Ajoute : /Server/FOnlineServer.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/ReadMe.txt Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/ReadMe.txt Ajoute : /Client/FOnlineSingleplayer.exe.lnk Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/MSVS Integration/msvs integration.doc Ajoute : /Tools/ObjectEditor/ObjectEditor.exe Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/Notepad++ Integration Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/Notepad++ Integration/notepad++ instructions.doc Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/as.dll Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo.dll Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_client.dll Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/fo_mapper.dll Ajoute : /Client/FOnline.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Client Ajoute : /Client/Updater.exe Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/Mapper.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Client/FOnline.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Client/Updater.exe Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Server Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Server/Update Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Server/UpdateFiles.lst Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Server/UpdaterServer.exe Ajoute : /Tools/ObjectEditor/ObjectEditor.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_default.ini Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_obj.png Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_toall.png Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_int.png Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/_mapper_defines.fos Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_main.fos Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/scripts.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/Notepad++ Integration/fo.xml Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/Notepad++ Integration/userDefineLang.xml Ajoute : /Tools/DialogEditor/DialogEditor.exe Ajoute : /Tools/DialogEditor/DialogEditor.ini Ajoute : /Client/7za.exe Ajoute : /Client/ZipPatch.bat Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/CodeBlocks Integration Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/CodeBlocks Integration/code_blocks integration.doc Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/CodeBlocks Integration/code_blocks_fos.reg Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/CodeBlocks Integration/lexer_angelscript.xml Ajoute : /Tools/ASCompiler/MSVS Integration/usertype.dat Ajoute : /Tools/DialogEditor/ReadMe.txt Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/MapperManual.doc Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/MapperManual_en.pdf Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_panel.PNG Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_select.png Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_show.png Ajoute : /Tools/Mapper/data/mapper_tab.png Ajoute : /Tools/MrFixit/MrFixit.cfg Ajoute : /Tools/MrFixit/MrFixit.exe Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Server/Update/SomeFile.txt Ajoute : /Tools/Updater/Server/Update/SomeFile_.txt